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Lemon Daddy Hydrangea. Lemon Daddy Hydrangeas are a perfect shade shrub for your garden. But watch out for slugs that can occasionally eat the foliage The mophead blooms are white and stay that way throughout the season in my garden.
Hydrangea Macrophylla Lemon Daddy Lemon Daddy Hydrangea Pp17660 From Greenleaf Nursery Hydrangea Macrophylla Bulb Flowers Hydrangea from
Flowers bloom on old and new wood so repeat blooming occurs throughout the summer. Ive just ordered it. Itll be near H.
Our original clump of Hydrangea Lemon Daddy now 3 tall x 5 wide is adorned starting in late May NC with huge mophead flowers that open white and turn either blue or a Milk of Magnesia pink in high pH soilsa pink even tackier than the outfits at a Monster Truck Show.
Hydrangea macrophylla Libelle Hydrangea macrophylla Love Read more. Hydrangea macrophylla Libelle Hydrangea macrophylla Love Read more. Lemon Daddy is a deciduous flowering shrub with large glossy greenish yellow to bright yellow leaves. Lemon Daddy Hydrangea will grow to be about 5 feet tall at maturity with a spread of 5 feet.