Minwax Vs Varathane. In the Minwax vs Varathane battle we recommend Varathane as it is more efficient and durable when it comes to interior wooden jobs. You can see clearly the woods color undertones yellow pink green neutral red but they arent nearly as pronounced.
Steve Neul Registered. In the Minwax vs Varathane battle we recommend Varathane as it is more efficient and durable when it comes to interior wooden jobs. Each company also makes a variety of other woodworking tools like putty.
We will also make a comparison to.
Maybe just a little more expensive in the Varathane brand but in Minwax the water-based is almost twice the price 48gal vs 26gal and you almost need a second mortgage to buy General Finishes water-based polys 72-98gal. They are both used in a wide variety of styles and situations. Is the MinWax Polycrylic which has many of the same qualities of Varathane. A can of oil based wood stain lasts a.