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Variegated Rubber Plant. Variegated Rubber Plant has red midribs and bright creamy yellow margins on each leaf. In its natural habitat it grows over 30 metres tall however the varieties grown indoors are a much more manageable height.
Crow Seagull March 2011 Plants Pretty Plants Plant Leaves from
The variegated rubber plant known as Ficus elastica tineke is possibly one of the prettiest plants of this year. However it differs from most rubber plant due to its beautifully colored leaves. Baby rubber plants are prized for their shiny bushy foliage that can be dark green light green or have variegated succulent-like leaves.
Description A variegated cultivar of the dwarf flowering succulent native to Florida Mexico and the Caribbean which makes a wonderful decorative indoor plant.
Once dry water thoroughly. Large thick pointed oval leaves with a bright varied golden colour. For the indoor grower looking for a tree type plant species with attractive foliage which can grow from 1ft to over 8ft tall this is an excellent choice. A sister to Ficus elastica Ficus tineke is basically an impressionist rubber tree.