Vibra Therapy. As a result you get with vibration therapy a similar type of stimulation and benefit as with exercise. This solution is known as whole-body vibration therapy and the technology has actually been around since the late 19th century.
The authors state that the whole body vibration therapy significantly improved bone mineral density in the subjects a total of 462 post-menopausal women. Over the past couple of years we have helped make this a reality for thousands of Australians who are impaired fatigued or otherwise restrained from living a life they love. Advocates say that as little as 15 minutes a day of whole-body vibration three times a week may aid weight loss burn fat improve flexibility enhance blood flow reduce muscle soreness after exercise build strength and decrease the stress hormone cortisol.
Reduced pain and sensitivity due to sensory symptoms of peripheral neuropathy Improved muscle strength resulting in higher levels of balance and coordination this reduces the risk for dangerous falls and accidents.
As a result you get with vibration therapy a similar type of stimulation and benefit as with exercise. Over the past couple of years we have helped make this a reality for thousands of Australians who are impaired fatigued or otherwise restrained from living a life they love. Pivotal vibration provides whole body vibration from head to toe while Lineal vibration provides relief and therapy focused on the lower legs while standing. During whole-body vibration therapy your therapist will ask you to stand.